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Bruce, Lorne D. Building Canadian Electronic Libraries: The Experience In Ontario Public Libraries, 1960-2010. In Libraries In The Early 21St Century, 1:91-104. Libraries In The Early 21St Century. Berlin, Germany: Walter De Gruyter, 2012.


Woodward, Haze, and Fytton Rowland. The History Of Library Automation In The United Kingdom. In Libraries In The Early 21St Century, Volume 1, 2:361-73. Libraries In The Early 21St Century, Volume 1. Berlin, Germany: Walter De Gruyter, 2012.


Kolar, Kelly Ann. Russian Archives And Libraries: Their Development Since The Introduction Of Technology. In Libraries In The Early 21St Century, 1:269-279. Libraries In The Early 21St Century. Berlin, Germany: Walter De Gruyter, 2012.