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Childress, Boyd. The 1868 Catalog Of The University Of Mississippi. Libraries & Culture 26, no. 3. Libraries & Culture (1991): 532-539.
Carmichael, James V. Ahistoricity And The Library Profession: Perceptions Of Biographical Researchers In Lis Concerning Research Problems, Practices, And Barriers. Journal Of Education For Library And Information Science 31, no. Spring. Journal Of Education For Library And Information Science (1991): 329-356.
Slater-Putt, Dawne. The Allen County Public Library Fort Wayne, Indiana. Indiana Libraries 10, no. 2. Indiana Libraries (1991): 14-25.
Schacht, John N. American Labor And Working Class History At Iowa (Part 2). Books At Iowa 54, no. April. Books At Iowa (1991): 31-56.
Rosenzweig, Linda W. 'The Anchor Of My Life': Middle-Class Mothers And College-Educated Daughters 1880-1920. Journal Of Social History 25, no. Fall. Journal Of Social History (1991): 5-25.
Brown, Michelle P. Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press, 1991.
Boynton, Henry Walcott. Annals Of American Bookselling, 1638-1850. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 1991.
Matteson, Robert S. Archbishop William King And The Conception Of His Library. Library 6Th Ser 13, no. September. Library 6Th Ser (1991): 238-254.
Stielow, Frederick J. Archival Theory Redux And Redeemed: Definition And Context Toward A General Theory. American Archivist 54, no. Winter. American Archivist (1991): 14-26.
Whiteman, Maxwell. The Association Of Jewish Libraries In Its Cultural Milieu. Judaica Librarianship 5, no. 2. Judaica Librarianship (1991): 214-216.
Eames, Bruce. Baron D'holbach's Library. Australian Journal Of French Studies 28, no. 3. Australian Journal Of French Studies (1991): 249-253.
Rogers, David. The Bodleian Library And Its Treasures, 1320-1700. Henley-on-Thames, England: Aidan Ellis Publishing, 1991.
