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Greenberg, Stephen J. Medical History, As It Was; As It Will Be. Journal Of The Medical Library Association 108, no. 1. Journal Of The Medical Library Association (2020): 143-146.
Thomson, Karen. New Light On The History Of Isaac Newton's Library. The Library 21, no. 1. The Library (2020): 89-97.
Handis, Michael W. Pantainos And His Unique, Ancient Library. Libraries: Culture, History, And Society 4, no. 2. Libraries: Culture, History, And Society (2020): 121-138.
Amstutz, Andrew. A Partitioned Library: Changing Collecting Priorities And Imagined Futures In A Divided Urdu Library, 1947-1949. South Asia: Journal Of South Asian Studies 43, no. 3. South Asia: Journal Of South Asian Studies (2020): 505-521.
Van Havere, Timo. Places Of History: The 'Belgian' Archives During The 1810S. Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis 133, no. 3. Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis (2020): 457-476.
Chapron, Emmannuelle. The Politics Of Libraries Under The Habsburg-Lorraines. In Florence After The Medici: Tuscan Enlightenment, 1737-1790, 63-86. Florence After The Medici: Tuscan Enlightenment, 1737-1790. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020.
Alsobrook, David Ernest. Presidential Archivist: A Memoir. Mercer, GA: Mercer University Press, 2020.
Karkee, Prabin. Public Libraries In Darjeeling. New Delhi, India: New Academic Publishers, 2020.
Knowlton, Steven A. A Rapidly Escalating Demand: Academic Libraries And The Birth Of Black Studies Programs. Libraries: Culture, History, And Society 4, no. 2. Libraries: Culture, History, And Society (2020): 178-200.
Dick, Archie L. Reading Spaces In South Africa, 1850-1920S. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Haslam, Sara. Reading, Trauma And The Literary Caregiving, 1914-1918: Helen Mary Gaskell And The War Library. Journal Of Medical Humanities 41, no. 3. Journal Of Medical Humanities (2020): 305-321.
Gruendler, Beatrice. The Rise Of The Arabic Book. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020.
Nield, Helen. The Robert And Lillian Lindsay Library - Part One: In Search Of A Home. British Dental Journal 228, no. 4. British Dental Journal (2020): 297-305.
Colby, Michael. Saco: Past, Present, And Future. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 58, no. 3-4. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly (2020): 285-293.
