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Paul, Sandy. The Wren Library At Trinity College. Bulletin Of The Association Of British Theological And Philosophical Libraries 22. Bulletin Of The Association Of British Theological And Philosophical Libraries (2015): 15-17.
Caudell, M. Wpa Library Projects In Indiana. Indiana Libraries 20, no. 1. Indiana Libraries (2001): 7-14.
Aparac-Gazivoda, Tatjana, and Dragutin Katalenca. Wounded Libraries In Croatia. Zagreb, Croatia: Croatian Library Association, 1993.
Daniels, Peter T., and William Bright, eds.. The World's Writing Systems. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Hinks, John, and Catherine Freely, eds.. Worlds Of Print: Diversity In The Book Trade. London, England: British Library, 2006.
Cole, John Y. The World's Largest Library: The Library Of Congress; A Brief History Of The Giant Library. Herald Of Library Science 33, no. July-October. Herald Of Library Science (1994): 155-163.
Satterfield, Jay. The World's Best Books: Taste, Culture, And The Modern Library. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2002.
Browndorf, Margaret A. (Megan), and Melanie A. Kimball. World War Ii And The Building Of The Ukranian Library. In Libraries: Traditions And Innovations: Papers From The Library History Seminar Xiii, 108-23. Libraries: Traditions And Innovations: Papers From The Library History Seminar Xiii. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter, 2017.
Boudreaux, S.A. World War Ii And Louisiana's Public Libraries: A Theme Issue. Lla Bulletin 56, no. Winter. Lla Bulletin (1994): 131-157.
Gretchen, Mark. World War I Library Service In Texas Military Training Camps. Texas Libraries 48. Texas Libraries (1987): 73-78.
Shaddy, Robert Alan. A World Of Sentimental Attachments: The Cult Of Collecting, 1890-1930. The Book Collector 43, no. Summer. The Book Collector (1994): 185-200.
Basbanes, Nicholas. World Of Letters: Yale University Press, 1908-2008. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008.
Burlingham, Cynthia, and Bruce Whiteman. The World From Here: Treasures Of The Great Libraries Of Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, Hammer Museum, 2001.
