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Nixon, T.J. Andy Horn, Unc Librarian, 1954-1957; An Overview And Assessment. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1990.
Bond, William Henry. Arthur Amory Houghton, Jr., 1906-1990. The Book Collector 39, no. Winter. The Book Collector (1990): 495-503.
Hamel, Mary. Arthurian Romance In Fifteenth-Century Lindsey: The Books Of The Lords Welles. Modern Language Quarterly 51, no. September. Modern Language Quarterly (1990): 341-361.
Anwar, Mumtaz Ali. Asa Don Dickinson: The Founding Father Of Modern Librarianship In British India. Pakistan Library Bulletin 21, no. June. Pakistan Library Bulletin (1990): 12-22.
Gabriel, Michael R. The Astonishing Growth Of Small Publishers. Journal Of Popular Culture 24, no. 3. Journal Of Popular Culture (1990): 61-68.
Esposito, Enzo, and Giovanni Solimine. Bibliographical Studies In Italy Since 1945. Libraries & Culture 25, no. 3. Libraries & Culture (1990): 433-445.
Balsamo, Luigi. Bibliography: History Of A Tradition. Berkeley, CA: Bernard M. Rosenthal, 1990.
Innocenti, Piero, Raffaella Cotta, and Maria X. Wells. Bibliography: Teaching And Profession. Libraries & Culture 25, no. 3. Libraries & Culture (1990): 461-473.
West, III, James L.W. Book-Publishing 1835-1900: The Anglo-American Connection. The Papers Of The Bibliographical Society Of America 84, no. December. The Papers Of The Bibliographical Society Of America (1990): 357-375.
Bienkowska, Barbara, and Chamerska Halina. Books In Poland: Past And Present. Wiesbaden, Germany: Otto Harrassowitz, 1990.
Barker, William. The Books Of Henry Howard, Earl Of Northampton. Bodleian Library Record 13. Bodleian Library Record (1990): 375-81.
Carley, James P. Books Seen By Samuel Ward In Bibliotheca Regia, Circa 1614. The British Library Journal 16, no. 1. The British Library Journal (1990).
Peruginelli, Susanna, Rino Pizzi, and Prentiss Moore. A Brief History Of Library Automation In Italy. Libraries & Culture 25, no. 3. Libraries & Culture (1990): 446-460.
Higginbotham, Barbra Buckner. The ‘Brittle Books Problem’: A Turn-Of-The-Century Perspective. Libraries & Culture 25, no. 4. Libraries & Culture (1990): 496-512.
Desjarlais-Lueth, Christine. Brown University And Academic Library History. Libraries & Culture 25, no. 2. Libraries & Culture (1990): 218-242.
Richards, Susan L. The Building Of Carnegie Libraries In South Dakota. South Dakota History. South Dakota History (1990): 1-16.
Korsten, Frans. A Catalogue Of The Library Of Thomas Baker. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Zeil, William F. A Catalogue Of The Personal Library Of Stephen Girard (1750-1831). Philadelphia, PA: Girard College and American Philosophical Society, 1990.
Wilson, J.S. Celebrating 85 Years Of Service [Government Documents Dept. Of Baylor University]. Texas Library Journal 66, no. Winter. Texas Library Journal (1990): 133.
