Agent of Change: Print Culture Studies after Elizabeth L. Eisenstein

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Editor: Sabrina Baron
Series Title
Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book
Number of Pages
442 pp.
University of Massachusetts Press
Amherst, MA
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Contents: Errata lists and the reader as corrector / Ann Blair Counterfeit printing as an agent of diffusion and change : the French book-privilege system and its contradictions (1498-1790) / Jean-Dominique Mellot On the threshold : architecture, paratext, and early print culture / William H. Sherman Moving pictures : Foxe's Martyrs and Little Gidding / Margaret Aston Humphrey Moseley and the invention of English literature / David Scott Kastan "On the behalf of the printers" : a late Stuart printer-author and her causes / Paula McDowell Fixity versus flexibility in "A song on Tom of Danby" and Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel / Harold Love Reinventing Gutenberg : woodblock and movable-type printing in Europe and China / Kai-wing Chow Scotland : international politics, international press / Arthur Williamson Change and the printing press in sixteenth-century Spanish America / Antonio Rodríguez-Buckingham The southern printer as agent of change in the American revolution / Calhoun Winton The printing press and change in the Arab world / Geoffrey Roper Print and the emergence of multiple publics in nineteenth-century Punjab / Vivek Bhandari "Ki ngā pito e whā o te ao nei" (to the four corners of this world) : Maori publishing and writing for nineteenth-century Maori-language newspapers / Jane McRae "Little jobs" : broadsides and the printing revolution / Peter Stallybrass What difference does colonialism make? : reassessing print and social change in an age of global imperialism / Tony Ballantyne The laser printer as an agent of change : fixity and fluxion in the digital age / Barbara A. Brannon The cultural consequences of printing and the Internet / James A. Dewar and Peng Hwa Ang Seeing the world in print / Robert A. Gross The printing revolution : a reappraisal / Roger Chartier