Title | Awakening a Curate's Library: the Rev. William Arderne Shoults (1839-1887): his Life, his Book Collection, and his Legacy to New Zealand |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Kerr, Donald |
Number of Pages | 360 pp. |
Publisher | The Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand |
City | Melbourne, Australia |
Language | English |
ISBN | 9780645666205 |
Abstract | This book is the first to provide an account of the life of Rev. William Arderne Shoults (1839-1887) and his book collecting. It is also the first detailed examination of a true survivor, his book collection of some 5600 items, including medieval manuscripts, incunables, books on ecclesiastical history and primitive church rites and rituals, philology, bibliography, science, travel, and Arabic and Persian texts |
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