Blake and the Idea of the Book

TitleBlake and the Idea of the Book
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsViscomi, Joseph
Number of Pages235 pp.
PublisherPrinceton University Press
CityPrinceton, NJ

Examines William Blake's interest in the relationship between the creation of his illustrated books and their contents.

Ch. 1. Fair Copies, Models, and Transfers: Printmaking as Paradigm -- Ch. 2. The Argument against Transfers in Illuminated Printing -- Ch. 3. Illuminated Printing as Composing Process -- Ch. 4. Drawing as Paradigm -- Ch. 5. Preparing the Copper Plate -- Ch. 6. The "Impervious Liquid" -- Ch. 7. Writing the Text -- Ch. 8. The Illustration and Its Variations -- Ch. 9. Etching the Plate -- Ch. 10. Ink, Paper, Proof -- Ch. 11. Presswork -- Ch. 12. Printing -- Ch. 13. Color Printing -- Ch. 14. Coloring -- Ch. 15. Salvaging and Recoloring -- Ch. 16. Editions -- Ch. 17. Style -- Ch. 18. Difference -- Ch. 19. Editing -- Ch. 20. The First Relief Etchings 1787-1788: The Approach of Doom and Charity, All Religions are One and There is No Natural Religion -- Ch. 21. Producing the Tractates: Originals and Copies -- Ch. 22. Editing There is No Natural Religion -- Ch. 23. The First Illuminated Books 1789-1790 -- Ch. 24. Songs of Innocence 1789 -- Ch. 25. The Book of Thel 1789-1790 -- Ch. 26. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 1790 -- Ch. 27. Illuminated Printing Resumed 1793: Visions of the Daughters of Albion, For Children: The Gates of Paradise, America a Prophecy -- Ch. 28. Songs of Experience and the First Combined Songs of Innocence and of Experience 1794 -- Ch. 29. New Illuminated Books 1794-1795: Europe a Prophecy, The Book of Urizen, The Song of Los, The Book of Ahania, The Book of Los -- Ch. 30. Reprinting Illuminated Books 1795-1796: The Large-Paper Copies, Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Large Book of Designs and The Small Book of Designs -- Ch. 31. Selected Reprintings and a Work in Progress 1796-1811: Innocence, Experience, America, Jerusalem -- Ch. 32. The Production and Evolution of Milton 1804-1818 -- Ch. 33. The Resumption of Illuminated Printing 1818-1822 -- Ch. 34. The Production and Evolution of Jerusalem 1818-1827 -- Ch. 35. The Last Illuminated Books 1825-1827.


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