Title | Blake and the Idea of the Book |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1992 |
Authors | Viscomi, Joseph |
Number of Pages | 235 pp. |
Publisher | Princeton University Press |
City | Princeton, NJ |
Language | English |
Annotation | Examines William Blake's interest in the relationship between the creation of his illustrated books and their contents. Ch. 1. Fair Copies, Models, and Transfers: Printmaking as Paradigm -- Ch. 2. The Argument against Transfers in Illuminated Printing -- Ch. 3. Illuminated Printing as Composing Process -- Ch. 4. Drawing as Paradigm -- Ch. 5. Preparing the Copper Plate -- Ch. 6. The "Impervious Liquid" -- Ch. 7. Writing the Text -- Ch. 8. The Illustration and Its Variations -- Ch. 9. Etching the Plate -- Ch. 10. Ink, Paper, Proof -- Ch. 11. Presswork -- Ch. 12. Printing -- Ch. 13. Color Printing -- Ch. 14. Coloring -- Ch. 15. Salvaging and Recoloring -- Ch. 16. Editions -- Ch. 17. Style -- Ch. 18. Difference -- Ch. 19. Editing -- Ch. 20. The First Relief Etchings 1787-1788: The Approach of Doom and Charity, All Religions are One and There is No Natural Religion -- Ch. 21. Producing the Tractates: Originals and Copies -- Ch. 22. Editing There is No Natural Religion -- Ch. 23. The First Illuminated Books 1789-1790 -- Ch. 24. Songs of Innocence 1789 -- Ch. 25. The Book of Thel 1789-1790 -- Ch. 26. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 1790 -- Ch. 27. Illuminated Printing Resumed 1793: Visions of the Daughters of Albion, For Children: The Gates of Paradise, America a Prophecy -- Ch. 28. Songs of Experience and the First Combined Songs of Innocence and of Experience 1794 -- Ch. 29. New Illuminated Books 1794-1795: Europe a Prophecy, The Book of Urizen, The Song of Los, The Book of Ahania, The Book of Los -- Ch. 30. Reprinting Illuminated Books 1795-1796: The Large-Paper Copies, Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Large Book of Designs and The Small Book of Designs -- Ch. 31. Selected Reprintings and a Work in Progress 1796-1811: Innocence, Experience, America, Jerusalem -- Ch. 32. The Production and Evolution of Milton 1804-1818 -- Ch. 33. The Resumption of Illuminated Printing 1818-1822 -- Ch. 34. The Production and Evolution of Jerusalem 1818-1827 -- Ch. 35. The Last Illuminated Books 1825-1827. |