Books, Libraries, Reading & Publishing in the Cold War

TitleBooks, Libraries, Reading & Publishing in the Cold War
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2001
Series EditorAnghelescu, Hermina G.B., Poulain, Martine
Number of Pages297 pp.
PublisherLibrary of Congress
CityWashington, D.C.

Originally published in Libraries & Culture, v. 36, no. 1, Winter 2001.

Foreword / John Y. Cole
Pamela Spence Richards (1941-1999): A biographical sketch / Betty Turock
A tribute from the United States / Donald G. Davis, Jr.
A tribute from Russia / Valeria D. Stelmakh

Books, reading, and publishing in the Cold War: Preface / Martine Poulain
Editorial note / Donald G. Davis, Jr.

Session 1: Books during the Cold War.
"With malice toward none": IFLA and the Cold War / Donald G. Davis, Jr. (U.S.A.), assisted by Nathaniel Feis
A Soviet research library remembered / Edward Kasinec (U.S.A.)
The Overseas Libraries controversy and the freedom to read: U.S. librarians and publishers confront Joseph McCarthy / Louise S. Robbins (U.S.A.)
The effect of the Cold War on librarianship in China / Cheng Huanwen (China)
Political censorship in Finnish libraries from 1944 to 1946 / Kai Ekholm (Finland)
Books and libraries as instruments of cultural diplomacy in Francophone Africa during the Cold War / Mary Niles Maack (U.S.A.)

Session 2: Publishing during the Cold War.
Censors and their readers: selling, silencing, and reading Czech books / Jiřina Ŝmejkalová (Czech Republic)
Control of literary communication in the 1945-1956 period in Poland / Oskar Stanislaw Czarnik (Poland)
International harmony : threat or menace?: U.S. youth services librarians and Cold War censorship, 1946-1955 / Christine Jenkins (U.S.A.)
Le Comité de Défense de la Littérature et de la Presse pour la Jeunesse: the Communists and the Press for Children during the Cold War / Thierry Crépin (France)

Session 3: Reading during the Cold War.
Reading in the context of censorship in the Soviet Union / Valeria D. Stelmakh (Russia)
Symbolic censorship and control of appropriations: the French Communist Party facing "heretical" texts during the Cold War / Bernard Pudal (France)
American literature in Cold War Germany / Martin Meyer (Germany)
A Cold War best-seller: the reaction to Arthur Koestler's Darkness at noon in France from 1945 to 1950 / Martine Poulain (France)
Library secret fonds and the competition of societies / István Király (Romania)

Session 4: Libraries during the Cold War.
Cold War librarianship: Soviet and American library activities in support of national foreign policy, 1946-1991 / Pamela Spence Richards (U.S.A.)
Foreign libraries in the mirror of Soviet library science during the Cold War / Boris Volodin (Russia)
Finland pays its debts and gets books in return: ASLA grants to the Finnish academic libraries, 1950-1967 / Ilkka Mäkinen (Finland)
Romanian libraries recover after the Cold War: the Communist legacy and the road ahead / Hermina G.B. Anghelescu (U.S.A.)
Leaning to one side: the impact of the Cold War on Chinese library collections / Priscilla C. Yu (U.S.A.)
The bookplate / Martin Manning


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