A Companion to Western Historical Thought

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Editor: Lloyd Kramer
Editor: Sarah Maza
Number of Pages
520 pp.
Blackwell Publishers
London, England
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Contents: Introduction: The cultural history of historical thought / Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza Historiography in ancient Israel / John Van Seters Historical thought in ancient Greece / Philip A. Stadter Historical thought in ancient Rome / J.E. Lendon Historical thought in medieval Europe / Gabrielle M. Spiegel Historical thought in the Renaissance / Paula Findlen Historical thought in the era of the Enlightenment / Johnson Kent Wright German historical thought in the age of Herder, Kant, and Hegel / Harold Mah German historical writing from Ranke to Weber : the primacy of politics / Harry Liebersohn National history in the age of Michelet, Macaulay, and Bancroft / Thomas N. Baker Marxism and historical thought / Walter L. Adamson The professionalization of historical studies and the guiding assumptions of modern historical thought / Georg G. Iggers The history of armed power / Peter Paret Total history and microhistory : the French and Italian paradigms / David A. Bell Anthropology and the history of culture / William M. Reddy The history of science, or, an oxymoronic theory of relativistic objectivity / Ken Alder Language, literary studies, and historical thought / Susan A. Crane Psychology, psychoanalysis, and historical thought / Lynn Hunt Redefining historical identities: sexuality, gender, and the self / Carolyn J. Dean Historicizing natural environments: the deep roots of environmental history / Andrew C. Isenberg The new world history / Jerry H. Bentley Postcolonial history / Prasenjit Duara The multicultural history of nations / Donna R. Gabaccia New technologies and historical knowledge / James M. Murray The visual media and historical knowledge / Robert A. Rosenstone