Critical Theory for Library and Information Science: Exploring the Social Form Across the Disciplines

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Editor: Gloria J. Leckie
Editor: Lisa M. Given
Editor: John E. Buschman
Number of Pages
326 pp.
Libraries Unlimited
Santa Barbara, CA
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Contents: Michel Aglietta and regulation theory / Siobhan Stevenson Roland Barthes: on semiology and taxonomy / Hans Dam Christensen Roy Bhaskar's critical realism / John M. Budd Social capital, symbolic violence, and fields of cultural production: Pierre Bourdieu and library and information science / Lisa Hussey Beyond a signpost for resistance: the promise of Michel de Certeau's practices of everyday life for LIS scholarship / Paulette Rothbauer Michel Foucault: discourse, power/knowledge, and the battle for truth / Michael Olsson Psychoanalysis as critique in the works of Freud, Lacan, and Deleuze and Guattari / Ronald E. Day and Andrew J. Lau Transformative library pedagogy and community-based libraries: a Freirean perspective / Martina Riedler and Mustafa Yunus Eryaman Anthony Giddens' influence on library and information science / Howard Rosenbaum The public library as a space for democratic empowerment: Henry Giroux, radical democracy, and border pedagogy / Mustafa Yunus Eryaman Hegemony, historic blocs, and capitalism: Antonio Gramsci in library and information science / Douglas Raber The social as fundamental and a source of the critical: Jürgen Habermas / John Buschman Martin Heidegger's critique of informational modernity / Ronald E. Day Bruno Latour: documenting human and non-human associations / Will Weeler Jean Lave's practice theory / Sanna Talja Henri Lefebvre and spatial dialectics / Gloria J. Leckie and Lisa M. Given Herbert Marcuse: liberation, utopia, and revolution / Ajit Pyati Chantal Mouffe's theory of agonistic pluralism and its relevance for library and information science research / Joacim Hansson Antonio Negri on information, empire, and commonwealth / Nick Dyer-Witheford Ferdinand de Saussure: duality / Paul Solomon Investigating the textually-mediated work of institutions: Dorothy E. Smithś sociology for people / Rosamund K. Stooke Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: deconstructionist, Marxist, feminist, postcolonialist / Hope A. Olson and Melodie J. Fox