The Cutting Edge of Reading: Artists' Books

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: Renée Riese Hubert
Author: Judd D. Hubert
Number of Pages
265 pp.
Granary Books, Inc.
New York, NY
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Contents: Introduction: the protean artist's book Transitions: Ania Staritsky, Pierre Alechinsky, Paolo Boni, Shirley Sharoff, Pierre-Andre Arnal Visual deviants and typographical departures: Telfer Stokes/Helen Douglas, Sixtus/Jacques Malgorn/Pierre Mabille, Walter Hamady Perturbations in our reading habits: Roberto Martinez, Michael Woolworth/Jose Maria Sicilia, Francine Zubeil, Sixtus/Jean Francois Lacalmontie, Susan King, Janet Zweig, Dieter Roth, Kevin Osborn Altering books -- the cutting edge of reading: Tom Phillips, Helen Brunner, Elisabeth Broel, Harry Reese, Buzz Spector, Robert Groborne, Jean Le Gac, Scott McCarney Variations on the accordion: Anne Walker, Bertrand Dorny, Susan King, Julie Chen, Clifton Meador, Philip Zimmermann The book, the museum, and public art: Susan King, Jochen Gerz, Margot Lovejoy, Joan Lyons, Christian Boltanski, Annette Messager Satire: Marcel Broodthaers, Terry Braunstein, Warren Lehrer/Dennis Bernstein, Ruth Lawson Crystallizations of memory: Nora Ligorano/Marshall Reese, Philip Zimmermann, Scott McCarney, Ed Epping Narrative and verbal manipulation: Johanna Drucker, Paul Zelevansky, Harry Polkinhorn, Henri Chopin, Claude Closky, Keith Smith, Joëlle Dautricourt, Maurizio Nannucci, John Crombie, Barbara Fahrner The metamorphosis of child-like games: Virginia Barrett, Erica Van Horn, Clarissa Sligh, Susan King Fashioners of books: John Eric Broaddus, Timothy Ely On the situation of artists' books