Globalizing the Library: Librarians and Development Work, 1945-1970

TitleGlobalizing the Library: Librarians and Development Work, 1945-1970
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLaugesen, Amanda
Number of Pages181 pp.
CityNew York, NY

Examines efforts by information professionals from the United States and Britain to foster global library development.

Introduction. Libraries for the world.

Imagining the global library
Libraries and World Peace. Libraries and the Global Project of modernization and modernity. The library and the making of the modern self.

Identifying the "library problem"
International library work infrastructure. Surveys and seminars. Creating the "expert".

Making the modern library
UNESCO pilot public libraries. Library planning and development: Public, School and University libraries. Technologies, methods, literature. Making collections.

Making the modern librarian
Training modern librarians: Establishing library schools. Training librarians: study abroad. Making a global profession.\

Libraries as foreign policy
British Council libraries and British colonialism. British Council libraries and their users. Libraries and American statecraft. USIS libraries in action.

Library diplomacy and exchange
Librarians abroad: exchange programs and study tours. Librarians abroad: working and travelling overseas. Librarians and the Peace Corps.


Chronological Period: