Inspection of Library Training Schools, 1914: The Missing Robbins Report

TitleInspection of Library Training Schools, 1914: The Missing Robbins Report
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsSeavey, Charles A., Robbins, Mary Esther
Series TitleOccasional Papers
Number of Pages67 pp.
PublisherUniversity of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science
CityUrbana-Champaign, IL

Reprints an often-overlooked early investigation of library education: "Inspection of Library Training Schools, 1914: Report to the ALA Committee on Library Training," by Mary Esther Robbins. The report includes two surveys, one sent to employers of graduates of the programs, the second sent to graduates who had been identified as having done "unusually good work" since graduation. The report also a series of site visits to ten library schools. The Occasional paper includes an introduction on the origins of the report and its place in the history of library education.

The missing Robbins report -- Library education and the ALA prior to 1914 -- Roots of the Robbins report -- The investigation -- Survey of employers and recent graduates -- Site visits -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Organization and editing of the 1913 survey -- Replies to the questions of the A.L.A. -- Admissions -- Standards and requirements -- Instructors -- Instruction -- Purpose and aim of the course -- Length of the course -- Miscellaneous, general suggestions -- Cataloging -- Classification -- Book selection -- Reference work, including government documents -- Miscellaneous subjects -- Need of training in public speaking -- Practice work -- The business management of a library -- Possible reductions of the course -- Suggestions as to things which should be emphasized with library students -- Adaptability -- Neatness in personal appearance and in their work -- Preparedness for subordinate positions and attention to routine -- Miscellaneous -- Recommendations -- Organization and editing of the general and site -- Visit reports -- Inspection of library training schools, 1914 -- Report to the A.L.A committee on library training -- Carnegie library of Atlanta library school -- California state library school -- School of library science of the university of Illinois -- New York state library school -- Training school for childrens' librarians of the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh -- Syracuse university library school -- Western reserve university library school -- Library school of the university of Wisconsin.

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