Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimension

TitleLibraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimension
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1990
Series EditorDain, Phyllis, Cole, John Y.
Number of Pages148 pp.
PublisherGreenwood Press
CityEnglewood Cliffs, NJ

Scholarship, higher education, and libraries in the United States : historical questions and quests / Phyllis Dain
The Library of Congress and American scholarship, 1865-1939 / John Y. Cole
Special collections and academic scholarship : a tangled relationship / Neil Harris
Research libraries, the ideology of reading, and scholarly communication, 1876-1900 / Wayne A. Wiegand
Preservation, library collections, and the concept of cultural property / Paul N. Banks
Scholarly resources for the study of the Third World : the case of Africa / Mary Niles Maack.

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