Libraries without Borders : New Directions in Library History

TitleLibraries without Borders : New Directions in Library History
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2024
Series EditorKnowlton, Steven A., Pozzi, Ellen M., Sly, Jordan S., Spunaugle, Emily D.
Number of Pages191 pp.
PublisherALA Editions
CityChicago, IL

Foreword: "The Hill We Climb": Towards Equity and Inclusion in Library and Information Science / Renate L. Chancellor

Part I: Community Formation and Centers of Literacy.
Locating Activism and Memory: Reimagining 1960s Civil Rights Familial Communities in a Library and Information Context / LaVerne Gray, Beth Patin, Tyler Youngman, and Rachel Nutt
"Thank You, Father, For Your Grand Cooperation": Outreach and the Founding of the Marian Library / Henry Handley

Part II: Library Outreach Beyond Borders.
Uncharted Waters: A History of the Bibliographic Instruction Movement and Its Administrative Context / Kelly Hangauer

Part III: Boundary-Setting and Conflicts in Library History.
Better Late than Never: Stories of Long-Overdue Books / John DeLooper
Defining the Boundaries of Propaganda: Informational Materials Subject to the Foreign Agents Registration Act in American Research Libraries / Emily D. Spunaugle

Part IV: The Practice of Library History.
Getting Started: Research in the History of American Libraries / Tom Glynn
Illuminating Diversity in History Research and Education: A Shared Past, Present, and Future / Loriene Roy and Rea N. Simons

Afterword: Library History Seminar XIV: The Conference We Wanted to Have / Bernadette Lear

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