Library Index to The History of the Women's Club Movement in America

Reference Type Thesis
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: Julie Ann Carpenter
Number of Pages
51 pp.
Kent State University
Thesis Type
Master's Thesis
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This master's thesis describes the compilation of an index referencing libraries in "The History of the Woman's Club Movement in America," a 1,173-page work without an index which was published in 1895. This project was undertaken to facilitate using this work for research on women's roles in the development of libraries. A controlled vocabulary of 24 library-related terms was developed and their use in the history was recorded. The resulting index includes the names of clubs and cities involved in library development, and a separate index to the cities mentioned was also assembled. The report provides (1) background information on the women's club movement and a description of the genesis of the history; (2) a discussion of problems with the history, e.g., inconsistencies in the information gathering process, redundancies, unclear references, and the lack of an index; (3) a description of the methodology of the indexing project, including the definitions, rationale, intent, and limitations of the controlled vocabulary; (4) suggestions for further research; and (5) a discussion of the 16 library associations mentioned in the history. Copies of the subject and city indexes follow the text of the report, and appended materials include a list of the controlled vocabulary used in the subject index and a list of libraries, by institution, that own a copy of the history
Index identifies clubs and cities involved in library movement in 1890s