From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind's Machine

TitleFrom Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind's Machine
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1991
Series EditorNyce, James M., Kahn, Paul
Number of Pages367 pp.
PublisherAcademic Press
CitySan Diego, CA

Vannevar Bush and the differential analyzer: the text and context of an early computer / Larry Owens
A machine for the mind : Vannevar Bush's memex / James M. Nyce and Paul Kahn
The inscrutable thirties ; Memorandum regarding memex; As we may think / Vannevar Bush
The idea of a machine: the later memex essays / Paul Kahn and James M. Nyce
A practical view of memex: the career of the rapid selector / Colin Burke
Memex II ; Science Pauses; Memex revisited; From "Of inventions and inventors" / Vannevar Bush
Letter to Vannevar Bush and program on human effectiveness / Douglas C. Engelbart
As we will think / Theodor H. Nelson
Memex as an image of potentiality revisited / Linda C. Smith
Hypertext -- does it reduce cholesterol, too? / Norman Meyrowitz
Memex : getting back on the trail / Tim Oren
Aristotle's library: memex as vision and hypertext as reality / Gregory Crane
From trailblazing to guided tours: the legacy of Vannevar Bush's vision of hypertext use / Randall H. Trigg

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