Narratives of (Dis)enfranchisement: Reckoning with the History of Libraries and the Black and African American Experience

TitleNarratives of (Dis)enfranchisement: Reckoning with the History of Libraries and the Black and African American Experience
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsOverbey, Tracy, Folk, Amanda L.
Series TitleALA Editions Special Reports
Number of Pages75 pp.
PublisherALA Editions
CityChicago, IL

This report provides an overview of the historical exclusion and disenfranchisement of Blacks and African Americans from libraries and educational institutions in the United States and explores the ways in which the legacy of this exclusion manifests today.


Contents: Preface -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The African roots of education and librarianship -- 3. Public libraries -- 4. School libraries -- 5. Academic libraries -- 6. Frameworks for exploring race and libraries -- 7. Conclusion.

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