Print Culture in a Diverse America

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Editor: James P. Danky
Editor: Wayne A. Wiegand
Number of Pages
291 pp.
University of Illinois Press
Urbana, IL
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Contents: The Italian immigrant press and the construction of social reality, 1850-1920 / Rudolph J. Vecoli Chicago's StreetWise at the crossroads: case study of a newspaper to empower the homeless in the 1990s / Norma Fay Green Pan-Africanism in print: the Boston Chronicle and the struggle for Black liberation and advancement, 1930-50 / Violet Johnson San Francisco's Chung Sai Yat Po and the transformation of Chinese consciousness, 1900-1920 / Yumei Sun "The world we shall win for labor": early twentieth-century hobo self-publication / Lynne M. Adrian "The morning cometh": African-American periodicals, education, and the Black middle class, 1900-1930 / Michael Fultz Forgotten readers: African-American literary societies and the American scene / Elizabeth McHenry Better than billiards: reading and the public library in Osage, Iowa, 1890-95 / Christine Pawley Unknown and unsung: contested meanings of the Titanic disaster / Steven Biel Building a Black audience in the 1930s: Langston Hughes, poetry readings, and the Golden Stair Press / Elizabeth Davey Keeping the "secret of authorship": a critical look at the 1912 publication of James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an ex-colored man / Jacqueline Goldsby