Publishing for Libraries: At the Dawn of the Digital Age

TitlePublishing for Libraries: At the Dawn of the Digital Age
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsChadwyck-Healey, Charles
Number of Pages390 pp.
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
CityLondon, England

Account by founder of the Chadwyck-Healey company, a publisher of information products for libraries. Charts the company's evolution from microfilm to CD-ROMs and online.

Beginning -- Johnson Reprint Corporation -- Chadwyck-Healey -- Cambridge and our own production -- Official publications -- Visual images on microfilm -- Carving up the centuries -- The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps -- Finding the archives -- The New York Times -- France and Spain -- Black Studies -- The National Security Archive -- The last years of microform -- The silver catalyst -- Other digital ventures -- English Poetry -- Patrologia Latina -- Periodicals Contents Index -- Publishing online -- German literature -- Red Archives -- Towards the end -- The end

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