Scribes, Scripts and Readers: Studies in the Communication, Presentation and Dissemination of Medieval Texts

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: Malcolm B. Parkes
Number of Pages
325 pp.
The Hambledon Press
Rio Grande, OH
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Library Type
Chronological Period
Contents: The contribution of insular scribes of the seventh and eighth centuries to the "grammar of legibility" Tachygraphy in the Middle Ages: writing techniques employed for reportationes of lectures and sermons The influence of the concepts of ordinatio and compilatio on the development of the book The date of the Oxford Manuscript of La Chanson de Roland : Bodleian Library MS Digby 23 The scriptorium of Wearmouth-Jarrow The handwriting of St. Boniface: a reassessment of the problems The palaeography of the Parker Manuscript of the chronicle, laws and sedulius, and historiography at Winchester in the late ninth and the tenth centuries A fragment of an early-tenth-century Anglo-Saxon manuscript and its significance On the presumed date and possible origins of the manuscript of the Orrmulum: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Junius 1 The production of copies of the Canterbury Tales and the Confessio Amantis in the early fifteenth century / with A.I. Doyle A fifteenth-century scribe: Henry Mere Copies of Boethius in Anglo-Saxon England: a note on Vatican, Bibl. Apost., MS Vat. Lat. 3363 An Anglo-Saxon text at Fleury: the manuscript of the Leiden Riddle The literacy of the laity Book provision and libraries at the Medieval University of Oxford Fragments of medieval manuscripts