Spreading the Word: Distribution Networks of Print, 1550-1850

TitleSpreading the Word: Distribution Networks of Print, 1550-1850
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1990
Series EditorMyers, Robin, Harris, Michael
Number of Pages241 pp.
PublisherSt. Paul's Bibliographies
CityWinchester, England

Wales and the London book trade before 1820 / Eiluned Rees
Scottish books for America in the mid-18th century / Warren McDougall
Printers and booksellers in Dublin 1800-1850 / Charles Benson
Publisher, pedlar, pot-poet: the changing character of the broadside trade, 1550-1640 / Tessa Watt
A few shillings for small books: the experience of a flying stationer in the 18th century / Michael Harris
Single sheets from a country town: the example of Exeter / Ian Maxted
Local distribution networks in 18th century England / C.Y. Ferdinand
Egerton Smith and the early 19th century book trade in Liverpool / Michael Perkin
The country trade in books / John Feather
