Supplement to the Dictionary of American Library Biography

TitleSupplement to the Dictionary of American Library Biography
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1990
Series EditorWiegand, Wayne A.
Number of Pages184 pp.
PublisherLibraries Unlimited
CityEnglewood, CO

51 additional profiles written since the original Dictionary was published.

Scott Adams (1909-1982) / Estelle Brodman -- James Tinkham Babb (1899-1968) / Arthur P. Young -- Tommie Dora Barker (1888-1978) / James V. Carmichael, Jr. -- Lillian Lewis Batchelor (1907-1977) / Jacqueline C. Mancall -- Bernard Reuben Berelson (1912-1979) / Lester Asheim -- Edwin Castagna (1909-1983) / Ronald Blazek and Theresa Griffin Maggio -- William Shepherd Dix (1910-1978) / Michael H. Harris and Mary Ann Tourjee -- Luther Harris Evans (1902-1981) / John Y. Cole -- Ruth Gagliardo (1895-1980) / Marilyn L. Miller -- Wayne Clayton Grover (1906-1970) / Faye Phillips -- Daniel Nash Handy (1875-1948) / William Fisher -- Frances Elizabeth Henne (1906-1985) / Peggy Sullivan -- John Phillip Immroth (1939-1976) / Blanche E. Woolis -- Virginia Lacy Jones (1912-1984) / William Caynon and Rosemary Ruhig Du Mont -- Augustus Frederick Kuhlman (1889-1986) / David Kaser -- Harold Adlore Lancour (1908-1981) / Peter J. Gilbert -- Milton Edward Lord (1898-1985) / Donald G. Davis, Jr. -- Edmon Horton Low (1902-1983) / David Kaser -- Archibald MacLeish (1892-1982) / Frederick J. Stielow -- Guy Elwood Marion (1882-1969) / Robert V. Williams -- Blanche Prichard McCrum (1887-1969) / Betty Ruth Kondayan -- Francis Eugene McKenna (1921-1978) / Herbert S. White -- David Chambers Mearns (1889-1981) / John C. Broderick -- Daniel Melcher (1912-1985) / Gordon B. Neavill -- Keyes DeWitt Metcalt (1889-1983) / Peter Hernon -- Jack Cassius Morris (1911-1954) / Robert V. Williams -- L. Quincy Mumford (1903-1982) / John Y. Cole -- Elizabeth Nesbitt (1897-1977) / Margaret Hodges -- Eli Martin Oboler (1915-1983) / Frederick J. Stielow -- Benjamin Edward Powell (1905-1981) / Mattie U. Russell -- Derek de Solla Price (1922-1983) / Saul Herner -- Ernest James Reece (1881-1976) / Larry E. Sullivan -- Sarah Rebecca Reed (1914-1978) / Mary Biggs -- John Stewart Richards (1892-1979) / Marion Casey -- Charlemae Hill Rollins (1897-1979) / Holly G. Willett -- Jean Carolyn Roos (1891-1982) / Susan Steinfirst -- Jesse Hauk Shera (1903-1982) / Howard W. Winger -- Louis Shores (1904-1981) / Lee Shiflett -- Harold Spivacke (1904-1977) / D. W. Krummel -- Kathleen Brown Stebbins (1905-1962) / Miriam Tees -- Maurice Falcolm Tauber (1908-1980) / Doris Cruger Dale -- Carolyn Farquhar Ulrich (1880-1969) / Charles D. Patterson -- Ralph Adrian Ulveling (1902-1980) / Daniel Ring -- Carl Peter Paul Vitz (1883-1981) / John Mark Tucker -- Douglas Waples (1893-1978) / John V. Richardson, Jr. -- Israel Albert Warheit (1912-1973) / Gordon E. Randall -- Carl Milton White (1903-1983) / Larry E. Sullivan -- Louis Round Wilson (1876-1979) / Jesse H. Shera -- Constance Mabel Winchell (1896-1983) / Pamela Spence Richards -- George Alan Works (1877-1957) / John V. Richardson, Jr. -- Wyllis Eaton Wright (1903-1979) / Margaret Maxwell.

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