Wege und Schicksale Jüdischer Kunst- und Büchersammlungen: Augezeigt am Beispiel der Sammlung Silberberg aus Breslau
Reference Type | Journal Article |
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D. Kathmann |
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Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie
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English title: Paths and Fates of Jewish Art and Book Collections: Illustrated by the Example of the Silberberg Collection from Breslau (Poland)
Discusses efforts to return property confiscated from Jewish collectors with a focus on art and library materials held by the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), a German government entity that oversees museums and cultural organizations in and around Berlin, Germany.
Examines the Max Silberberg art collection as a case study in the complexity of repatriation efforts.