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Public Libraries
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Damien, Robert. La Grace De l’Auteur: Essai Sur La Representation d’une Institution Politique, l’Exem-Ple De La Bibliothèque Publique. La Versanne, France: Encre marine, 2001.
Evans, Lucy M. The Almost Mythical Andrea Crestadoro: Crystal Palace Exhibitor and Chief Librarian of Manchester. London, England: Crystal Palace Foundation, 2016.
Gabel, Gernot U. Historic Libraries in Europe. Beiträge Zur Europäischen Bibliotheksgeschichte. Hürth, Germany: Edition Gemini, 2001.
Coleman, Sterling J. , Jr. Librarianship and Information Science in the Islamic World, 1966-1999: An Annotated Bibliography. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2005.
Lowe, Bronwyn. The Right Thing to Read: A History of Australian Girl-Readers, 1910-1960. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.
McMullin, Brian J., ed. Collections, Characters and Communities: The Shaping of Libraries in Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2010.
Bruce, Lorne. Places to Grow: Public Libraries and Communities in Ontario, 1930-2000. Guelph, Canada: L. Bruce, 2010.
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Campbell, Anne, Jeannie Mah, and Susan Birley, eds. Biblio Files: A History of the Regina Public Library. Regina, Canada: University of Regina Press, 2017.
Edwards, Brendan Frederick. Paper Talk: A History of Libraries, Print Culture, and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada before 1960. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2005.
Overend, Howard. Book Guy: A Librarian in the Peace. Victoria, Canada: TouchWood Editionst, 2001.
Peltier-Davis, Cheryl, and Shamin Renwick, eds. Caribbean Libraries in the 21st Century: Changes, Challenges, and Choices. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2007.