Den Biggelaar, Christoffel Johannes Petrus Antonius Maria. (1994) 1994. “Farmer Knowledge and Experimentation With Trees and Tree Cultivation in Agroforestry Systems in Rwanda”. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Department of Forestry.
Christoffel Johannes Petrus Antonius Maria Den Biggelaar
Fixed Name
Christoffel Johannes Petrus Antonius Maria Den Biggelaar
First name
Christoffel Johannes Petrus Antonius Maria
Last name
Den Biggelaar
Den Biggelaar, Christoffel Johannes Petrus Antonius Maria. (1994) 1994. “Differentiating the Nature of Agroforestry Systems and Agroforestry Knowledge Among Farmers in Southern Rwanda: Participatory and Formal Approaches As Complementary Methods”. Culture & Agriculture 15 (50): 5-11. doi:10.1525/cuag.1994.15.50.5.