Okafor, J. C., and E. C. M. Fernandes. (1987) 1987. “Compound Farms of Southeastern Nigeria: A Predominant Agroforestry Homegarden System With Crops and Small Livestock”. Agroforestry Systems 5 (2): 153-68. doi:10.1007/BF00047519.
E. C. M. Fernandes
Fixed Name
E. C. M. Fernandes
First name
E. C. M.
Last name
Nair, P. K. R., E. C. M. Fernandes, and P. N. Wambugu. (1984) 1985. “Multipurpose Leguminous Trees and Shrubs for Agroforestry”. Agroforestry Systems 2 (3): 145-63. doi:10.1007/BF00147030.
Jambulingam, R., and E. C. M. Fernandes. (1986) 1986. “Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs on Farmlands in Tamil Nadu State (India)”. Agroforestry Systems 4 (1): 17-32. doi:10.1007/BF01834699.
O'kting'ati, A., J. A. Maghembe, E. C. M. Fernandes, and G. H. Weaver. (1984) 1984. “Plant Species in the Kilimanjaro Agroforestry System”. Agroforestry Systems 2 (3): 177-86. doi:10.1007/BF00147032.
Fernandes, E. C. M., A. Oktingati, and J. Maghembe. (1984) 1985. “The Chagga Homegardens: A Multistoried Agroforestry Cropping System on Mt. Kilimanjaro (Northern Tanzania)”. Agroforestry Systems 2 (2): 73-86. doi:10.1007/BF00131267.