Chambers, Robert, Arnold Pacey, and Lori Ann Thrupp. (1989) 1989. Farmer First: Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research. London: Intermediate Technology Publications. doi:10.3362/9781780440149.
Robert Chambers
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Robert Chambers
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Chambers, Robert, and R. P. Singh. (1990) 1990. “Microenvironments Unobserved”. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Natural Resources Management for a Sustainable Agriculture, February 6-10, 1990, 179-205. New Delhi: Indian Society of Agronomy.
Chambers, Robert. (1987) 1987. “Notes and Reflections on the Workshop on Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary Methods”. In Paper Presented at IDS Workshop on Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary Methods, July 26-31, 1987, University of Sussex. University of Sussex: Brighton, UK.
Rocheleau, Dianne E., Kamoji Wachira, Luis Malaret, Bernard Muchiri Wanjohi, Robert Chambers, Arnold Pacey, and Lori Ann Thrupp. (1989) 1989. “Local Knowledge for Agroforestry and Native Plants”. In Farmer First: Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research, 14-24. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.