@article{263, keywords = {fuelwood, plants, natural resource management, medicinal plants, resource management, Acacia mearnsii, Southern Africa, resource conservation, Southern Life Association, Institute of Natural Resources, Natal, Kwa Zulu, Australian black wattle, qwa qwa, Mark Gandar, agroforestry, ethnobotany}, author = {Tony Cunningham}, title = {Grassroots conservation: Veld products and people}, abstract = {The author calls plants "green glue," meaning they keep the soil together. He uses the term "veld products" and defines it as the use of plants by people for medicine, food supplements, shelter, fuel, etc. He is calling on researchers to develop and expand their focus on veld products. He talks of the needs of both plants and humans, vegetation change and plant use, resource management and conservation. He also talks of the consequences of conservation in his conclusion.}, year = {1988}, journal = {African Wildlife}, volume = {43}, pages = {286-293}, month = {01/1988}, language = {English}, }