@article{265, keywords = {ecology, gender, fisheries, rural development, economic policies, international development, development assistance, ethics, history, famine, food agricultural economics, economic integration, production technology, education institution, economics}, author = {G. Edward Schuh}, title = {Historical forces in world agriculture and the changing role of international development assistance}, abstract = {
The first part of this paper discusses five sets of forces that have had a major influence on world agriculture in the post-World War II period. These include:
The second part reviews the changing role of international development assistance in support of agriculture in light of these historical forces. Such assistance successively stressed the development of extension services, food aid, institutional development of higher level education institutions, the development of research capacity, and rural development.
A look to the future is the subject of the third part of the paper. This includes a discussion of the difficulties in sustaining U.S. foreign assistance, especially when that nation is letting its own economic house fall into such disarray.
}, year = {1988}, journal = {Agriculture and Human Values}, volume = {5}, pages = {77-91}, month = {01/1988}, url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02217179}, doi = {10.1007/BF02217179}, note = {This article from Agriculture and Human Values, 5 (1-2) listed independently.}, language = {English}, }