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Furfey, Rosemary N. 1988. A Survey Of Women's Attitudes Toward Forestry And Fuelwood In Eight Rural Villages In Eastern Sudan. Field Document (Fuelwood Development For Energy In Sudan) No. 31. Khartoum, Sudan: Forests Administration.
Freeman, Milton M. R., and Ludwig N. Carbyn, eds.. 1988. Traditional Knowledge And Renewable Resource Management In Northern Regions. Occasional Publication (Boreal Institute For Northern Studies); No. 23. Edmonton, AB, Canada: IUCN Commission on Ecology and the Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Boreal Institute for Northern Studies.
Taylor, David A., and Lee Medema, eds.. 1988. Trees On Small Farms: Multipurpose Tree Species Research For The Arid And Semi-Arid Tropics. Proceedings Of The Network Workshop Of The Forestry/Fuelwood Research And Development (F/Fred) Project Held 16-19 November 1987, Karachi, Pakistan. Arlington, VA: Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development.
Barrow, Edmund G. C. 1988. Trees, People And The Dry Lands: The Role Of Local Knowledge. In Agroforestry Development In Kenya: Proceedings Of The Second Kenya National Seminar On Agroforestry. Nairobi, Kenya: Institute of Forestry.


Fermin, Frank. 1989. The Adaptation Of Rice-Fish Culture Technology: The Case Of Mang Lsko In Cavite, Philippines. In Paper Presented At The Second Asian Regional Workshop On Rice-Fish Research And Development, October 24-28, Central Luzon State University, Munoz, Nueva Ecija. Philippines.. Nueva Ecija, Philippines: Central Luzon State University, Munoz.
Hiraoka, Mário. 1989. Agricultural Systems On The Floodplains Of The Peruvian Amazon. In Fragile Lands Of Latin America: Strategies For Sustainable Development, 75-100. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Rocheleau, Dianne E. 1989. Agroforestry As Popular Science: A Land User Perspective For Research And Design In Rural Landscapes. In Paper Presented At Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Advancement Of Science, January 14-19, 1989, San Francisco, Ca. San Francisco, CA.
Künzel, Wieland. 1989. Agroforestry In Tonga: A Traditional Source For Development Of Sustainable Farming Systems. South Pacific Smallholder Project Occasional Paper No. 12. Armidale, NSW: University of New England; South Pacific Smallholder Project.
Chew, Siew Tuan. 1989. Agroforestry Projects For Small Farmers: A Project Manager's Reference. A.i.d. Evaluation Special Study No. 59. Washington, DC: U.S. Agency for International Development.
Bruce, John W., and Louise Fortmann. 1989. Agroforestry: Proprietary Dimensions. In Paper Prepared For Aaas Technical Session, Agroforestry: A Global Perspective On Potentials And Constraints, 15 January 1989, San Francisco, Ca. San Francisco, CA.
Freeman, Milton M. R. 1989. The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission: Successful Co-Management Under Extreme Conditions. In Co-Operative Management Of Local Fisheries: New Directions For Improved Management And Community Development, 137-153. Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia Press.
DeBoer, W. F., and H. H. T. Prins. 1989. Decisions Of Cattle Herdsmen In Burkina Faso And Optimal Foraging Models. Human Ecology 17 (4): 445-464. doi:10.1007/BF00889500.
Poole, Peter. 1989. Developing A Partnership Of Indigenous Peoples, Conservationists, And Land Use Planners In Latin America. Policy, Planning, And Research Working Papers -- Environment (Wps 245). Washington, DC: Latin America and the Caribbean Technical Dept., World Bank.
