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“Culture And Community Values In The Selection And Maintenance Of African Rice: Implications For Policy And Management Of A Local Agricultural Germplasm Resource Of Potential Global Significance”. In Paper Presented At Conference On Intellectual Property Rights And Indigenous Knowledge, 5-10 October 1993, The Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/33047173.
. 1993. 1992
Common Property Resources: Ecology And Community-Based Sustainable Development. London; New York: Belhaven Press. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/478258426.
. 1989. Developing A Partnership Of Indigenous Peoples, Conservationists, And Land Use Planners In Latin America. Policy, Planning, And Research Working Papers -- Environment (Wps 245). Washington, DC: Latin America and the Caribbean Technical Dept., World Bank. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/29810664.
. 1989.