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Poole, Peter. 1989. Developing A Partnership Of Indigenous Peoples, Conservationists, And Land Use Planners In Latin America. Policy, Planning, And Research Working Papers -- Environment (Wps 245). Washington, DC: Latin America and the Caribbean Technical Dept., World Bank.
Ahmed, Medani Mohamed M, ed.. 1994. Development Of Agriculture In The Sudan: An Annotated Bibliography With An Introductory Essay. Sudan Library Series No. 19. Khartoum, Sudan: University of Khartoum, Institute of African and Asian Studies, Khartoum University Press.
Provincial Government of Manitoba, Water Resources Branch. 1989. Land And Water Strategy, The Process Begins: Workbook On Water. Winnipeg, MB: Provincial Government of Manitoba [Manitoba Natural Resources, Water Resources Branch].
Provincial Government of Manitoba, Water Resources Branch. 1989. Sustainable Development: Land And Water Strategy: A Summary Of Public Input. Winnipeg, MB: Provincial Government of Manitoba [Manitoba Natural Resources, Water Resources Branch].

Book Chapter

Hecht, Susanna B. 1982. Agroforestry In The Amazon Basin: Practice, Theory And Limits Of A Promising Land Use. In Amazonia: Agriculture And Land Use Research, 339-351. Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical.
Repetto, Robert. 1987. Managing Natural Resources For Sustainability. In Sustainability Issues In Agricultural Development: Proceedings Of The Seventh Agriculture Sector Symposium, 167-181. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Salas, María Angélica. 1989. Rural Development And The Careful Utilization Of Natural Resources In The Peruvian Sierra. In Report On The Workshop-Seminar Held In Achoma (Arequipa), Peru, 31 March To 9 April 1987. Berlin, Germany: Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (German Foundation for International Development).

Conference Paper

Huxley, P. A. 1983. The Role Of Trees In Agroforestry: Some Comments. In Plant Research And Agroforestry: Proceedings Of A Consultative Meeting Held In Nairobi, 8 To 15 April 1981, 257-270. Nairobi, Kenya: International Council for Research in Agroforestry.
Michon, G. 1983. Village-Forest-Gardens In West Java. In Plant Research And Agroforestry: Proceedings Of A Consultative Meeting Held In Nairobi, 8 To 15 April 1981, 13-24. Nairobi, Kenya: International Council for Research in Agroforestry.

Conference Proceedings

NORAGRIC. 1991. Nfu's Annual Conference 1991. Proceedings Of Nfu's Annual Conference 1991: Natural Resource Use And Changing Society, Interdisciplinary Approaches To Development, Agricultural University Of Norway, Aas, 23-24 May 1991.. Aas [Ås], Norway; Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Centre for International Agricultural Development, Agricultural University of Norway; Norwegian Association for Development Research.
Korten, Francis, Romulo del Castillo, Julian Gonsalves, Jaime Roquillo, and Forester Nicanor Iscala, Jr, eds.. 1990. Workshop To Develop An Agroforestry Technology Information Kit, November 4-13, 1989. Quezon City, Philippines; Silang Cavite, Philippines; Manila, Philippines: Philippene Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR); International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR); Ford Foundation (FF).

Journal Article

Leuschner, William A., and Kibriaul Khaleque. 1987. Homestead Agroforestry In Bangladesh. Agroforestry Systems 5 (2): 139-151. doi:10.1007/BF00047518.
