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Williams, J. T., and J. L. Creech. 1987. Genetic Conservation And The Role Of Botanic Gardens. In Botanic Gardens And The World Conservation Strategy: Proceedings Of An International Conference, 26-30 November 1985 Held At Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 161-173. London: Academic Press Inc.


Rocheleau, Dianne E., and Luis Malaret. 1987. Use Of Ethnoecology In Agroforestry Systems Research: An Example Of Af Technology And Pest Management Research In Kenya. In Paper Presented At Annual Symposium On Farming Systems Research, October 18-21, 1987, University Of Arkansas, Fayetteville. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.


McNeely, Jeffrey A., Kenton R. Miller, Walter V. Reid, Russell A. Mittermeier, and Timothy B. Werner. 1990. Conserving The World's Biological Diversity. Gland, Switzerland and Washington, DC: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; World Resources Institute; Conservation International; World Wildlife Fund-US; World Bank.


Korten, Francis, Romulo del Castillo, Julian Gonsalves, Jaime Roquillo, and Forester Nicanor Iscala, Jr, eds.. 1990. Workshop To Develop An Agroforestry Technology Information Kit, November 4-13, 1989. Quezon City, Philippines; Silang Cavite, Philippines; Manila, Philippines: Philippene Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR); International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR); Ford Foundation (FF).