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Morin-Labatut, Gisèle, and Shahid Akhtar. 1992. Traditional Environmental Knowledge: A Resource To Manage And Share. Development (Journal Of Sid [Society For International Development]) (4): 24-30.
Morin-Labatut, Gisèle, and Shahid Akhtar. 1992. Traditional Environmental Knowledge: A Resource To Manage And Share. In Paper Presented At Development With Equity And Ecological Security: Strategies And Institutions For The 21St Century.


NORAGRIC. 1991. Nfu's Annual Conference 1991. Proceedings Of Nfu's Annual Conference 1991: Natural Resource Use And Changing Society, Interdisciplinary Approaches To Development, Agricultural University Of Norway, Aas, 23-24 May 1991.. Aas [Ås], Norway; Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Centre for International Agricultural Development, Agricultural University of Norway; Norwegian Association for Development Research.


Singh, R. P. 1981. Agro-Forestry Systems For Drylands Of Arid And Semi-Arid Regions Of India. In Paper Presented At Agro-Forestry In Arid And Semi-Arid Zones, June 15-July 18, 1981; Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, India. Jodhpur, India.