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Leuschner, William A., and Kibriaul Khaleque. 1987. Homestead Agroforestry In Bangladesh. Agroforestry Systems 5 (2): 139-151. doi:10.1007/BF00047518.


Forestry/Fuelwood Research and Development Project, Global Research Unit. 1988. Iadss (Information And Decision Support System): Users' Manual. Multipurpose Tree Species Network Research Series, Manual No. 1. Paia, Hawaii: Winrock International, F/FRED Global Research Unit.
Anonymous. 1987. Iita: Sustainable Systems. African Farming: 50-51.
Brown, Becky J., and Alexander Coles. 1986. The Implications Of Farming Systems Analysis For Land Titling In The Area Of Quimistan, Santa Barbara, Honduras. University of Wisconsin-Madison: Institute for Environmental Studies, Land Tenure Center.
Warren, D. Michael, and Jennifer Pinkston. 1998. Indigenous African Resource Management Of A Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem: A Case Study Of The Yoruba Of Ara, Nigeria. In Linking Social And Ecological Systems: Management Practices And Social Mechanisms For Building Resilience, 158-189. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Alcorn, Janis B. 1990. Indigenous Agroforestry Strategies Meeting Farmers' Needs. In Alternatives To Deforestation: Steps Towards Sustainable Use Of The Amazon Rain Forest., 141-151. New York: Columbia University Press.
