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Hecht, Susanna B. 1982. Agroforestry In The Amazon Basin: Practice, Theory And Limits Of A Promising Land Use. In Amazonia: Agriculture And Land Use Research, 339-351. Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical.
Hecht, Susanna B. 1989. Indigenous Soil Management In The Amazon Basin: Some Implications For Development. In Fragile Lands Of Latin America: Strategies For Sustainable Development, 166-181. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Hiraoka, Mário. 1989. Agricultural Systems On The Floodplains Of The Peruvian Amazon. In Fragile Lands Of Latin America: Strategies For Sustainable Development, 75-100. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Huxley, P. A. 1983. The Role Of Trees In Agroforestry: Some Comments. In Plant Research And Agroforestry: Proceedings Of A Consultative Meeting Held In Nairobi, 8 To 15 April 1981, 257-270. Nairobi, Kenya: International Council for Research in Agroforestry.
Hviding, Edvard, and Graham B. K. Baines. 1992. Fisheries Management In The Pacific: Tradition And The Challenges Of Development In Marovo, Solomon Islands. Discussion Paper No. 32. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.


International Association for the Study of Common Property. 1990. Program Of Events. In International Association For The Study Of Common Property: "Designing Sustainability On The Commons," 27-30 September 1990, Held At Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Durham, NC: Duke University.
International Institute for the Environment and Development (IIED), and World Resourses Institute (WRI). 1987. Elements Of Success: Sustainable Development In Sub-Saharan Africa. In World Resources 1987: An Assessment Of The Resource Base That Supports The Global Economy, 221-238. Washington, DC: Basic Books.
Irvine, Dominique. 1989. Succession Management And Resource Distribution In An Amazonian Rain Forest. In Resource Management In Amazonia: Indigenous And Folk Strategies, 223-237. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
