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Sills, Marc A., and Glenn T. Morris, eds.. 1993. Indigenous Peoples' Politics: An Introduction, Volume I. Working Paper (Technische Hogeschool Twente. Vakgroep Ontwikkelingskunde). Denver, CO: University of Colorado at Denver, Fourth World Center for the Study of Indigenous Law and Politics.
Ulluwishewa, Rohana. 1993. Indigenous Practices Of Aquatic Resource Management In The Dry Zone Of Sri Lanka. In Human Evolution In Its Ecological Context: Proceedings Of The Pithecanthropus Centennial 1893-1993 Congress, Under The Auspices Of The Royal Netherlands Academy Of Arts And Sciences. Leiden, The Netherlands: Pithecanthropus Centennial Foundation, Leiden University.
Eden, Michael J. 1990. Indigenous Resource Exploitation. In Ecology And Land Management In Amazonia, 62-85. New York/London: Belhaven Press.
Hecht, Susanna B. 1989. Indigenous Soil Management In The Amazon Basin: Some Implications For Development. In Fragile Lands Of Latin America: Strategies For Sustainable Development, 166-181. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
McCall, Michael Keith. 1988. Indigenous Technical Knowledge In Farming Systems And Rural Technology: A Bibliography On Eastern Africa. Working Paper (Technische Hogeschool Twente. Vakgroep Ontwikkelingskunde) No. 38. [Enschede, Netherlands]: University of Twente, Technology and Development Group.
McCall, Michael Keith. 1994. Indigenous Technical Knowledge In Farming Systems Of Eastern Africa: A Bibliography. Bibliographies In Technology And Social Change No. 9. Ames, Iowa: Technology and Social Change Program, Iowa State University.
Michie, Barry H. 1986. Indigenous Technology And Farming Systems Research: Agroforestry In The Indian Desert. In Social Sciences And Farming Systems Research: Methodological Perspectives On Agricultural Development, 221-244. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Fisher, R. J. 1990. Institutional Incompatibility In Community Forestry: The Case Of Nepal. In Community Organizations And Government Bureaucracies In Social Forestry, 11-25. Honolulu, Hawaii: Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center.
Bebbington, Anthony. 1989. Institutional Options And Multiple Sources Of Agricultural Innovation: Evidence From An Ecuadorean Case Study. Odi Network Paper 11. London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Agricultural Administration Unit.
Pinkerton, Evelyn. 1998. Integrated Management Of A Temperate Montane Rainforest Ecosystem Through Wholistic Forestry: A British Columbian Example. In Linking Social And Ecological Systems: Management Practices And Social Mechanisms For Building Resilience, 363-389. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Pinkerton, Evelyn. 1994. Integrated Management Of A Temperate Rainforest Ecosystem Through Wholistic Forestry: A British Columbian Example. In Paper Presented At Property Rights And The Performance Of Natural Resource Systems: Social And Ecological Systems For Resilience And Sustainability August 29-30, 1994. Stockholm, Sweden: Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics.
