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Barrow, Edmund G. C. 1988. Trees, People And The Dry Lands: The Role Of Local Knowledge. In Agroforestry Development In Kenya: Proceedings Of The Second Kenya National Seminar On Agroforestry. Nairobi, Kenya: Institute of Forestry.
Taylor, David A., and Lee Medema, eds.. 1988. Trees On Small Farms: Multipurpose Tree Species Research For The Arid And Semi-Arid Tropics. Proceedings Of The Network Workshop Of The Forestry/Fuelwood Research And Development (F/Fred) Project Held 16-19 November 1987, Karachi, Pakistan. Arlington, VA: Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development.
Smith, J. Russell. 1978. Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture. Harper Colophon Books; Cn 610. Wasington, DC; New York: Island Press; Harper & Row.
Mann, H. S. 1981. Tree And Shrub Species For Agroforestry Systems In Arid And Semi Arid Regions. In Summer Institute On Agro-Forestry In Arid And Semi-Arid Zones. Vol. 1. Jodhpur, India: Central Arid Zone Research Institute.
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Morin-Labatut, Gisèle, and Shahid Akhtar. 1992. Traditional Environmental Knowledge: A Resource To Manage And Share. In Paper Presented At Development With Equity And Ecological Security: Strategies And Institutions For The 21St Century.
Berkes, Fikret. 1993. Traditional Ecological Knowledge In Perspective. In Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Concepts And Cases, 1-10. International Program on Traditional Ecological Knowledge/IDRC: Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Berkes, Fikret, Carl Folke, and Madhav Gadgil. 1993. Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Biodiversity, Resilience And Sustainability. Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 31. Stockholm, Sweden: Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics.
Eden, Michael J. 1980. A Traditional Agro-System In The Amazon Region Of Colombia. In Tropical Ecology And Development: Proceedings Of The Vth International Symposium Of Tropical Ecology, 509-514. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International Society of Tropical Ecology.
Padoch, Christine, and Wil de Jong. 1987. Traditional Agroforestry Practices Of Native And Ribereno Farmers In The Lowland Peruvian Amazon. In Agroforestry: Realities, Possibilities And Potentials, 179-195. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martin Nijhoff Publishers in cooperation with ICRAF; distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
