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Chew, Siew Tuan. 1989. Agroforestry Projects For Small Farmers: A Project Manager's Reference. A.i.d. Evaluation Special Study No. 59. Washington, DC: U.S. Agency for International Development.
Chisholm, N. G. 1984. Indigenous Irrigated Production In S E Ghana: Lessons For The Design Of Small Holder Irrigation Schemes. In African Regional Symposium On Small Holder Irrigation, 5-7 September 1984, Harare, Zimbabwe, 427-437. Harare, Zimbabwe: University of Zimbabwe.
Clarke, William C. 1971. Place And People: An Ecology Of A New Guinean Community. Canberra and Berkeley: Australian National University Press and University of California Press.
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Colchester, Marcus, and Larry Lohmann. 1990. The Tropical Forestry Action Plan: What Progress?. Penang, Malaysia: World Rainforest Movement and the Ecologist.
Colfer, Carol J. Pierce, Reed L. Wadley, and Enis Widjanarti. 1996. Using Indigenous Organizations From West Kalimantan. In Indigenous Organizations And Development, 228-238. London: Intermediate Technology Publications [Practical Action Publishing].
Collier, William L. 1980. Resource Use In The Tidal Swamps Of Central Kalimantan: A Case Study Of Kanjarese And Javanese Rice And Coconut Producers. In Tropical Ecology And Development: Proceedings Of The Vth International Symposium Of Tropical Ecology, 16-21 April 1979, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International Society of Tropical Ecology.
Combe, Jean, Humberto Jiménez Saa, and Claudia Monge. 1981. Bibliography On Tropical Agroforestry. Serie Bibliotecología Y Documentación, English Version, Bibliografía No. 6. Turrialba, Costa Rica: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE).
