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Coward, Jr., E. Walter. 1988. Fairness In Irrigation Development. Agriculture And Human Values 5 (1-2): 61-68. doi:10.1007/BF02217177.
Cruz, Wilfrido. 1988. Potential Impact Of Biotechnology Research For Multipurpose Tree Species. Multipurpose Tree Species Network Research Series Paper 3. Bangkok, Thailand and Los Banos, Philippines: Winrock International.
Current, Dean, and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Forestry / Fuelwood Research and Development Project (F/FRED). 1988. Agroforestry Practices In Selected Areas Of Burma: Preliminary Consultant, Winrock International.. Multipurpose Tree Species Network Research Series No. 5. Bangkok, Thailand; Arlington, VA: Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development and Forestry / Fuelwood Research and Development Project (F/FRED).


de Treville, Diana. 1990. Research-Client Linkages: The Role Of Ngos In Agroforestry/Natural Resource Management Technology & Transfer. Little Rock, AR: Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development.
De'A th, Colin. 1980. Forest Conversation Practices In Papua New Guinea. In Traditional Conservation In Papua New Guinea: Implications For Today. Proceedings Of A Conference Organized By The Office Of Environment And Conservation And The Institute Of Applied Social And Economic Research In Port Moresby [Papua New Guinea], 27-31 October, 1980, 203-216. Boroko, Papua New Guinea: Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research.
DeBoer, W. F., and H. H. T. Prins. 1989. Decisions Of Cattle Herdsmen In Burkina Faso And Optimal Foraging Models. Human Ecology 17 (4): 445-464. doi:10.1007/BF00889500.
del Amo R, Silvia. 1992. Problems Of Forest Conservation: A Feasible Mechanism For Biodiversity Conservation. In Changing Tropical Forests: Historical Perspectives On Today's Challenges In Central & South America: Proceedings Of A Conference Sponsored By The Forest History Society And Iufro Forestry History Group, San José, Costa Rica, 154-164. Durham, NC: Forest History Society.
