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Eder, James F. 1981. From Grain Crops To Tree Crops In The Cuyunon Swidden System. In Adaptive Strategies And Change In Philippine Swidden-Based Societies, 91-104. Laguna, Philippines: Forest Research Institute College.
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Williams, J. T., and J. L. Creech. 1987. Genetic Conservation And The Role Of Botanic Gardens. In Botanic Gardens And The World Conservation Strategy: Proceedings Of An International Conference, 26-30 November 1985 Held At Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 161-173. London: Academic Press Inc.
McCracken, Jennifer A., and Jules N. Pretty. 1988. Glossary Of Selected Terms In Sustainable Agriculture. Gatekeeper Series No. Sa6. London; Washington, DC: International Institute for Environment and Development, Sustainable Agriculture Programme.
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Ruddle, Kenneth. 1994. A Guide To The Literature On Traditional Community-Based Fishery Management In The Asia-Pacific Tropics. Fao Fisheries Circular No. 869. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
