Agricultura en camellones en la cuena del lago Titicaca: aspectos tecnicos y su futuro

TitleAgricultura en camellones en la cuena del lago Titicaca: aspectos tecnicos y su futuro
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsErickson, CL
Book TitleAndenes y Camellones en el Peru Andino: historia presente y futuro
Date Published1986
PublisherConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Techologia, Oficina de Politica Cientifica y Technologica
CityLima, Peru
Keywordsaquatic resources; Bolivia; furrow irrigation; hill farming; natural resource management; Peru; raised fields; terraces

This article examines the past indigenous technology of raised field agriculture on the banks of Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia. The author proposes that individual peasants and communal groups, without extraordinary foreign assistance, can reconstruct the abandoned raised fields and utilize them in new production. The article proposes that the plains of the altiplano, while they are of poor soil and unpredictable weather patterns, can be reclaimed by indigenous populations if the raised fields are cultivated with Andean plants indigenous to the area. The author proposes the principals to sustain this system. They are: the control of water, production, and recycling of nutrients, and managing the microclimate (fish and animals) of the raised fields. The author concludes by examining the future of raised field agriculture in Peru and Bolivia.

Short TitleAgricultura en camellones en la cuena del lago Titicaca