Banana-manioc farming systems of the tropical forest: A case study in Zaire

TitleBanana-manioc farming systems of the tropical forest: A case study in Zaire
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1978
AuthorsPerrault, PT
Date Published1978
PublisherStanford University
CityPalo Alto, CA
KeywordsBana Kanoke; bananas; crop association; perennial; Yambela; Yelenge

A dissertation submitted to the Food Research Institute and the committee on graduate studies of Stanford University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The author discusses the production system that the villagers use to grow their crops. He included a graph that tells how they mixed crops with bananas and what the results were. He writes about the plantain system in West Africa as well. He lists crops used in his area on page 57. He describes the practice of clearing land and how it is used, with which he includes a graph showing comparisons of land area and what they do with it. The last thing, except for the bibliography, is the technique of planting.

Short TitleBanana-manioc farming systems of the tropical forest

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