Contributing to sustained resource use in the humid and sub-humid tropics: Some research approaches and insights

TitleContributing to sustained resource use in the humid and sub-humid tropics: Some research approaches and insights
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsHadley, M, Schreckenberg, K
Series TitleMAB Digest no. 3
Date Published1989
KeywordsMan and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme; rainforests; UNESCO

This document reviews the current activities of the MAB Programme that are contributing to the development of sustainable land-use systems that are in tune with the social, cultural, and biological characteristics of the peoples and ecological systems of the humid and sub-humid tropics. Topics covered are: biological diversity, traditional ecological knowledge, and integrated conservation in the humid tropics; ecological and economic sustainability of tropical rain forest management; forest regeneration and ecosystem rehabilitation in the humid tropics; tropical soil fertility and its biological management; savanna ecology and management; responding to stress and disturbance; and technical synthesis, training, and institutional development.


CIKARD copy is a 24-page working draft

Number of pages

59 pp.

Short TitleContributing to sustained resource use in the humid and sub-humid tropics