Culture and community values in the selection and maintenance of African rice: Implications for policy and management of a local agricultural germplasm resource of potential global significance

TitleCulture and community values in the selection and maintenance of African rice: Implications for policy and management of a local agricultural germplasm resource of potential global significance
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsRichards, P
Book TitlePaper presented at Conference on Intellectual Property Rights and Indigenous Knowledge, 5-10 October 1993, The Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe
Date PublishedOct. 5-10 1993
CityLake Tahoe
Keywordsbiodiversity; Conservation of natural resources; economic conditions; environmental policy; ethnobotany; ethnophilosophy; human ecology; sustainable development

The first aim of the paper is to bring out the extent to which O. glaberrima biodiversity is a cultural product; specifically, the response of West African farming communities to the challenge of survival in a harsh environment with limited labor resources. A second, related aim is to underscore the potential obligation of the wider rice-dependent world to the communities and cultures that have provided them with this legacy of hardy rice germplasm.


Also published in Valuing local knowledge: Indigenous people and intellectual property rights edited by Stephen B. Brush and Doreen Stabinsky. GF21.V37 1996 2nd floor Paterno. See url for the WorldCAT record of this book.

Conference Name

Intellectual property rights and indigenous knowledge

Number of pages

18 pp.

Short TitleCulture and community values in the selection and maintenance of African rice

Collection Topic: