Culture: The missing element in conservation and development: Abstracts of the 8th National Zoo Symposium held at the National Zoological Park, Washington, DC, 1988

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Editor: R. J. Hoage
Editor: Katy Moran
Author: National Zoo
Number of Pages
xii, 160 pp.
Date Published
Kendall/Hunt Publishers
Dubuque, IA
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Collection Topic
0787247618; 9780787247614

Includes the following papers:

  • Culture and the commons
  • Community conservation education project for the golden lion tamarin, Brazil- building support for habitat conservation
  • Sustainable conservation: Bolivian debt trade a catalyst
  • Indigenous peoples and their knowledge: missing links and lost knowledge in the conservation of Brazil's tropical forests
  • Cultural basis for the conservation of elephants and other wildlife in Sri Lanka
  • Self-management and state-management, forms of knowing and conserving: a case study of sub-arctic Cree Indians, the Quebec government, and wildlife
  • National recreation areas in Appalachia: citizen participation in planning and management
  • Co-management with whom? The politics of conservation and development in Latin America
  • Planning networks of protected habitat for conservation and development in Latin America
  • Planning networks of protected habitat for conservation of species of importance to indigenous societies: three islands with primary rainforest and pressures for both logging and habitat protection.

This document contains the abstracts/summaries of the 8th National Zoo Symposium. Topics such as: common property, politics, community involvement, debt trade, indigenous knowledge, traditional wildlife management, natural resource management, and indigenous societies are addressed.