The economy of the Batek of Malaysia: Annual and historical perspectives

TitleThe economy of the Batek of Malaysia: Annual and historical perspectives
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1984
AuthorsEndicott, K
JournalResearch in Economic Anthropology
Date Published1984
Call NumberGN448.R28
Keywordsagriculture; aquatic resources; Batek; Batek De'; economic anthropology; economics; fishing; gathering; hunter-gatherer; hunting; Kelantan; Lebir River; Malaysia; peasants; rattan trading; Semang; trading

This paper describes and provides an analyses of the economy of one Semang group, the Batek De' of Kelantan. The paper focuses on the variation in economic activity, both seasonally and historically (since 1875), and attempt to determine the principles that govern these variations. Also, an attempt to explain why the Batek follow a hunter-gather lifeway rather than another possible way of life (i.e., swidden) is made.


0-89232-357-4; 0190-1281

Short TitleThe economy of the Batek of Malaysia

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