Experience with individual species

TitleExperience with individual species
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1974
AuthorsFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Book TitleTree planting practices in African savannas
Secondary TitleForestry Development Paper no. 19
Date Published1974
PublisherFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [sold by Unipub]
CityRome; New York
KeywordsAcacia albida; Acacia nilotica; Acacia senegal; Africa; agroforestry; Azadirachta indica; Conacarpus lancifolius; economics; ethnoconservation; planting

This excerpt deals with specific native trees that can be found in the subdesert zones and their traditional environmental value. The specific species discussed are: Acacia albia, Acacia nilotica, Acacia senegal, Azadicachta indica and Conocarpus lancifolius. All, except for the Acacia senegal, rely on extraneous water supplies for adequate growth. The Acacia senegal relies on rainfall alone for its moisture.

Uses of these trees vary from conservers of soil to economic sources. One example of this is the Acacia albia, it is used mainly for fodder and refertilization of the soil. The Acacia nilotica is the most important species in the Sudan, because of is drought resistance. Gum extraction and fuel use are the economic functions of the Acacia senegal. This is one of the only trees that can be grown for economic purposes in subdesert zones. Each one fulfills a specific purpose in the Sahel.


Chapter 7
